Categories Water Damage

Who Repairs Water Damage? Who Should You Call First?

Couple Collecting Water Leaking From Ceiling In Bucket

If you discover your home’s interior decoration is affected by water damage, you might start freaking out once you see the extent of the damage. 

Your first bet would be to try and sort the situation out on your own, figure out where the water is coming from, and remove any obstacles that might get ruined by seeping water. 

If the damage is extensive and not solvable on your own, your next best bet would be to find a water damage restoration company that specializes

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Categories Mold Damage

How Does Mold Damage Affect Your Health?

Mildewed walls with different sorts of mold

Mold is a fungus, and it can grow on anything. When mold grows indoors, it usually appears on porous materials that have been wet with excess humidity or water damage. One of the most common places to find mold in your home is under the kitchen sink – where cleaners are stored. However, many people do not realize how dangerous mold exposure can be, especially for those with allergies or compromised immune systems. With this in mind, this blog post will explore the top five ways how mold

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Categories Water Damage

Who Repairs Water Damage? Who Should You Call First?

water coming from tap

Water damage can be a disaster to manage and repair at your home and workplace. Sometimes, you may ignore signs like water stains on the walls or ceiling damage. As a result, you might spend much more in the future on water remediation. 

So, it’s always safer for you, your loved ones, and your staff that you identify potential water damage signs. But comes after that? You can’t panic and fret over the spilled milk, so quick treatment plans are crucial. You must know who to call for water

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Categories Water Damage

Why Water Damage & Resulting Mold Can Drive You Bankrupt

Water Damage West Palm Beach, FL | Water Damage Removal

Why Insurance Companies Refuse To Pay Damages From Plumbing Leaks? 

Plumbing leaks can lead to medical problems in people with allergies and respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Water damage from mold can cause a multitude of health problems that all lead to expensive medical treatments. 

The water damage can also cause your insurance company to deny claims or force you to accept inadequate settlements to avoid costly litigation. 

Why Mold From Leaking Pipes Is Very Insidious 

Plumbing leaks may go unnoticed since many water damage cases worsen over time because organic matter

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